Lorecraft RPG
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive 2RX4j3n
Lorecraft RPG
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive 2RX4j3n

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Enter a world of might and magic, myths and legends, fantastic beasts and blood-curdling monsters. Who you'll be, what you'll do and even how you'll go about doing it all lie in the palm of your hand in the lands of Sosaria. Whether you choose the path of the humble craftsman or the cunning merchant, the gallant knight or scythe wielding necromancer... The possibilities are endless. Leave your mark on this mystical world.


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» Stone Shortsword
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 25 2023, 22:02 by Soul of Artifice

» Blowgun
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 25 2023, 22:01 by Soul of Artifice

» Stone Spear
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 11 2023, 23:27 by Soul of Artifice

» Wooden Longbow
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 10 2023, 10:49 by Soul of Artifice

» Wooden Light Crossbow (WIP)
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 10 2023, 10:47 by Soul of Artifice

» Stone Mallet
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 10 2023, 10:08 by Soul of Artifice

» Standard Iron Maul
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 10 2023, 10:07 by Soul of Artifice

» Stone Hand Axe
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 09 2023, 17:22 by Soul of Artifice

» List of Gems (WiP)
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 26 2022, 20:32 by Gamemaster

» Ka'ai Corvus (WIP)
Lorecraft RPG | Where Stories Come Alive I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26 2022, 23:39 by Soul of Artifice

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September 606

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Any recent events in the roleplay world which are worth noting. Major topics will be selected by Administrators to be listed here for all to see.

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Recent News

The latest news regarding the site may be found here. Other announcements may be browsed in the Site Herald forum, which contains all site updates.

Of the Month



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Site Herald

This is where all of the latest events, contests and updates will be posted by staff for everyone to read and comment on.
3Progress Report
Thu Jul 21 2022, 19:10
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Rules & Systems

You should read over everything found within this forum if you'd like to familiarize yourself with the rules and systems that you must follow.
15Loremaster Rules
Fri Sep 30 2022, 15:42
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Lore & History

Here you'll find information on the world of Sosaria, past events and the general background of the world and everything else you need to know.
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Historical Timelines, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Available Materials
22List of Gems (WiP)
Sat Nov 26 2022, 20:32
Gamemaster View latest post

Info & Guides

Even if you're not new to role-playing, there are plenty of guides herein with useful information for anyone and everyone.
8Climate Information
Thu Aug 04 2022, 21:26
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RP Requests

This forum is where you may post a topic looking for other players to roleplay with.
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Coming & Going

This is where you may either introduce yourself to the rest of the community, or where you may bid your temporary or final farewells.
6New Arrival
Wed Oct 26 2022, 12:01
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General Discussion

This is where you may post about various subjects that may or may not have anything to do with the board itself.

Forum Games

This forum is where you may play any number of forum games you wish, including King of the Hill and other posting games.

Help & Feedback

This is where you may give feedback on anything pertaining to the site, as well as request help from staff and the community.
4Loremaster Requests
Wed Aug 10 2022, 13:28
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This is where linkbacks and affiliations between sites may be posted. This is also where the official advertisement for our site may be found.
2Affiliate Requests
Sun Mar 29 2020, 18:46
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The Archives forum is where you may find any old forums or topics that are no longer needed.
41Class Creation
Sat Mar 05 2022, 13:55
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Character Creation

This is where you'll initially create your character, including all of the little details about them. This is required before you're allowed to RP.
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16Ka'ai Corvus (WIP)
Wed Oct 26 2022, 23:39
Soul of Artifice View latest post

Profession Creation

This is where you may find the many professions available on Lorecraft, from those provided by staff to those created by members like you!
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Combat Professions, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Trade Professions
1Profession Creation (WIP)
Sat Oct 22 2022, 05:30
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Move Creation

This is where you may fill out the template to create custom moves that use anima and, at times, mana.
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Unarmed Moves, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Light Arms Moves, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Standard Arms Moves, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Heavy Arms Moves, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Pole Arms Moves, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Ranged Moves
2Breath Holding
Sat Mar 21 2020, 14:54
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Spell Creation

This is where you may fill out the template in order to create a custom spell, which is a move that makes use of mana in any capacity.
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Abjuration Spells, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Alteration Spells, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Conjuration Spells, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Divination Spells, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Evocation Spells, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Illusion Spells, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Restoration Spells
7Mana Armor
Thu Feb 20 2020, 15:01
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Item Creation

This is where you may fill out the template to create custom equipment and items, such as armor, weapons, potions or anything else.
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Public Items, This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Custom Items
34Stone Shortsword
Sat Mar 25 2023, 22:02
Soul of Artifice View latest post

Creature Creation

Here is where you may apply for new pet familiars if you're a tamer, summoned familiars if a conjurer and resurrected familiars if a necromancer. It's also where any species which you wish to encounter while role-playing may be applied for.
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2Species Creation
Thu Jul 21 2022, 23:12
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Building Creation

Here is where anyone may apply for a building which may either be purchased or built after approval.
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1Building Creation
Sun Jan 13 2019, 15:16
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Vessel Creation

From extravagant ships to simple carriages, all vessels must be applied for and approved here.
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1Vessel Template
Thu Oct 07 2021, 21:31
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Quest Creation

Here is where you may fill out the template to create new quests for yourself, and other adventurers, to take on once approved by a loremaster.
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4Defeat the Rat King
Thu Dec 27 2018, 14:18
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Lore Suggestions

Have an idea for a major event or additional part of our lore? Anything from a new race, to a new place or even a major event may be suggested. You may provide as many, or as few, details as you wish, since it may be subject to revision.
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1Suggestion Guide
Wed Dec 18 2019, 02:02
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Character Management

Once your character's been approved, you should copy the template found in this topic and paste it into a new topic to be filled out with their information. Although it isn't required to RP, you may not RP in any topics where combat is a possibility.
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Archived Characters
2Gold & EXP Claims
Mon Jun 25 2018, 13:45
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Familiar Management

Whether you've just tamed an animal or created a new summon, you must post a topic here with the provided sheet filled out. Although it doesn't have to be approved, anything under Knowledge & Arsenal must be added/changed through updates.
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1Creature Sheet
Fri May 18 2018, 19:05
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Vessel Management

Once your vessels have been approved, you should copy the template found in this topic and paste it into a new topic to be filled out with their information. You will use this topic to make any upgrades or adjustments in the future.
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.Archived Vessels
1Vessel Sheet
Fri Nov 19 2021, 12:41
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Building Management

Once you've had your building approved, you must then fill out the sheet found in this forum in a new topic. This topic will be where you can make any changes or upgrades to your building in the future.
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1Building Sheet
Sun Feb 23 2020, 14:03
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Organization Management

Should you decide to establish an organization, this is where you may fill out the template to have it officiated, as well as to have a place to keep track of your organization's information and members.
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1Organization Sheet
Fri May 18 2018, 19:17
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City Management

If you're the leader of a city, you may fill out the template found in this forum to keep track of your city's information. This is also where you'll handle any additions or changes to your city in the future.
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1City Sheet
Fri May 18 2018, 19:45
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Nation Management

If you're the leader of a country, you may fill out the template found in this forum to keep track of your city's information. This is also where you'll handle any additions or changes to your city in the future.
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1Nation Sheet
Sat Dec 21 2019, 03:56
Gamemaster View latest post
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Serenian Kingdom

The Serenian Kingdom, or Serenum, is a vast and glorious kingdom founded by Primians in the earliest days of the Dark Ages. Founded in honor of Lux, the Sun God, the people of Serenum typically worship him with great fervency. In fact, it is said the ruler of Serenum is decided and guided by Lux himself, although whether or not this is true is a matter of debate. Despite this, Serenum has a rich and vibrant culture.

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2Healing Temple
Thu Dec 12 2019, 16:28
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Republic of Yew

The Republic of Yew, founded by Valens and Holzelves, is both a city, as well as an independent Republic. Few cities in the world are nearly as fortified. Yew, named after the Grand Yew Tree around which the Republic was established, is intertwined with nature, with a large amount of their infrastructure being built along trees. The only entrance is through the Yew River, but those who guard the gates are discerning of who they allow entrance.

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Lunari Kingdom

Far north of the Serenian Kingdom is the Lunari Kingdom, or Luna for short. Situated deep within the icy tundras that may be found there. It was founded by, and is largely comprised of, dark elves and dwarves. Lunari has a history of isolationism and self-interest, only engaging with other kingdoms when it greatly benefits them. Although they've been mostly peaceful for a decade, they can be aggressive towards outsiders.

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Maderan Republic

Madera, being a vast Republic comprised of numerous races, tends to value the ideals of liberty and equality. Each of the bestial races tend to serve a different purpose that they're most suited for. Despite this, discrimination is still abundant in every city towards those from another. The most tolerant of the cities is New Terra, which has resulted in a vast number of each bestial race migrating there in hopes of making a name for themselves in the capital.

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Anemos Confederacy

The Anemos Confederacy, or Anemos, is comprised of many different individual city states which came together, initially, under a central ruler over a century ago. Since then, however, the idea of a single ruler has been cast aside and the confederation is now ruled over by a central council consisting of elected representatives from each of the nation states. Each of members of the confederacy receive equal representation.

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Shimaguni Empire

The Shinagumi Empire, or Shinagumi for short, is one of the most recently established kingdoms in the world of Sosaria. Established by the Oni as a safe haven for the various monster races, it is predominately composed of them and those of other races may find themselves alienated. The guardian deity of the land is Umbras and there are many shrines dedicated to her worship throughout the lands.

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Miestan Kingdom

The Miestan Kingdom, or Miesta, is a set of islands found just north of Anemos and west of Serenum. It's well known for its tropical climate and beautiful beaches, making it one of the most ideal tourist destinations. While a beautiful and wealthy nation, it is ruled under a strict dictatorship with each subsequent leader being decided by the previous in advance via written will.

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Jazira Island

Jazira Island, or Jazira for short, is a fairly small island nation that rests in the far northeast of Sosaria. Being the youngest kingdom in existence, it has only recently been recognized as an independent nation by others. Being a theocratic oligarchy, most of the island nation worships Terra, Goddess of the Earth, while some areas favor Ventus, the God of Wind. The land is primarily composed of vast deserts with very little flora or fauna.

No new postsTharwa City

Winter's Keep

Winter's Keep is a castle in the midst of the arctic tundra just southwest of the Lunari Kingdom. The keep was established over a century ago by the greatest mages from all of the Elven races. To this day, it stands as a beacon for the greatest magical minds throughout the globe. Although the entrance exam is excruciatingly strict, anyone is welcome to audition.

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Sosarian Sea

The Sosarian Sea consists of the entire ocean surrounding the continents of Sosaria. It's depths are immeasurable and filled with all varieties of creatures that can't be found on land. Between sea monsters and unpredictable storms capable of devastating entire fleets, any voyage through these waters will be riddled with both danger and adventure for those brave enough to take the risk.

No new postsState of Zyran

The Underworld

The dark and dreary entrance to the Underworld may be found on a small island just west of Serenum. Although the damned spirits found herein may never leave, it's said that one can communicate with those who have passed on, should they prove capable of surviving the demonic entities and other malicious spirits that inhabit the realm and successfully enter the Underworld at the end.

No new postsSacred Pillar, No new postsSummoning Circle, No new postsNecropolis

Elemental Realms

The Elemental Realm is a plane of existence separated entirely from all other realms, including: Sosaria, the Underworld and the Divine Realms. This realm is what the elemental champions call home. It's separated into ten different regions, each ruled by its respective champion and filled with elementals or spirits who serve them. The only ones who may enter are those capable of traveling between realms.

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